in Unity with the will of the Divine Mother
The Mysteries of the Women of Ephesus
From the Source of Tantra,
3 days Initiation Path for women only.
An invitation to return to the temple of the Sacred Feminine, and the origin of your light. re-aligning with the innate Shakti energy from the beginning of creation.
This very deep and mystical training will touch your hidden Karmic bonds, vows and structures in order to be witnessed initially and consequently to be released from your energy system. My aim is to support women to free themselves from whatever blocking their path and make them to deny their power. And more over to give them the energetic template that will make them feel safe, supported, seen and accepted in such a way, that they can say "yes", to themselves and to allow their sacred feet to walk the Earth again, as embodiments of love and light.

To awaken the Shakti Fires so women can remember themselves.
the Temples of Tantra to return to Earth.

To be again a community of women, serving the will of the Divine Mother on Earth.

Inside a sacred circle of women, wrapped in the loving light of the divine Mother, and stronghold by Alinea, you will find support, to let behind old expressions of yourself and a very old creation circle. You will be fueled with the courage to be seen, and to open yourself up for the origin of your light and for a life on Earth on your terms, realistic, authentic, extraordinary, why not?
It's all about to be who you are and to live it!
For some women in the begginning can be about realizing the dark roots of their femininity, for others a passage to new reality, and to a new co-creation with Divine Mother. It’s an initiation path, because it is a process. Every single women upon her willingness will walk a path of liberation and empowerment.
A return to Love , Yours.
These initiations will craft your path and will take you to a journey of letting go, opening up to your own mysteries and re-discovering your female being anew. Alinea brings to the Earth now, the new energy of the women of Ephesus and gives direction for the new times. In this training you enter or re-align with the sacred community of the Women of Ephesus You realize your power and your light in a very new concept and we open the door to you own mysteries, especially if you were a Women of Ephesus in former lives.
You receive an initiation to your 8th chakra: With this initiation women can return to the origin of their light and the innate expression of their Shakti. This initiation realign women with the innate Shakti energy from the beginning of creation.
You receive the initiation to the community of the women of Ephesus and you initiate to the light of the women of Ephesus so you can work with it to heal.
The boarders of your throat will be totally re-arranged , and you will have a very new space for personal expression and creation. You can experience a new expansion of your light.
Breaking of the old natural law in your system, initiation to your second chakra.
You will be release from contracts, vows and whatever you agreed upon in order to not experience yourself and your power, and because you will do that, New doors will open for you according to your soul plan. The partner/man, who is relative to your path and your development can appear as well in the side of your shiva and in your life too.
You will become a priestess of the sacred fire of the Women of Ephesus, which is the fire that you become one with the Divine Mother. You are initiated to the fire of the women of Ephesus and is given to you the prayer to the Divine Mother.
For those women who are "Women of Ephesus" and they know it , from former lives, you will be align with the New energy of the Women of Ephesus that Alinea brings to Earth now, and you will have the opportunity to see what is your position and your task at this time we are now, and not only this but to dive deeply into your own mysteries. Also you will be initiated to the Fire of the Women of Ephesus and you will be part of an "elite" of female beings that serve the will and co-create with the Divine Mother on Earth,
From the last Female Training in Hong Kong

One to One Retreat
You have also the choice to have my exclusively attention and to book a one to one retreat with me, to dive into your mysteries and "The Mysteries of the Women of Ephesus".
P.S 3 days One to one Exclusively has a different price than the group Seminar
If you are searching for a reset button, or your are looking to break through another reality, then you can join me and allow me to accompany you
in this 3 days pilgrimage to yourself.
For this reason I offer you a 20 minutes free zoom talk with me.
Love, Alinea